- Acid Frac Hose (4)
- Oilfield Drilling Hose (34)
- Connector (17)
- Wrapped Cover Wire Spiral Hydraulic Hose (23)
- Smooth Cover Wire Braided Hydraulic Hose (33)
- Wrapped Cover Wire Braided Hydraulic Hose (31)
- Industrial Hose (49)
- Fiber Braided Hose (30)
- Hose Assembly (2)
- Concrete Pumping Hose (2)
- Hydraulic Fitting (224)
- Hydraulic Adapter (283)
Hammer Unions
FIG 2202
With fluoroelastomer seal ring, 15000PSI
NSCWP and the heat-treated parts
100% subjected to hardness test, this
model complies with National Association
of Corrosion Engineers Standard MR-01-75
and American Petroleum Institute RP-14E.
This product is designated for application
with acid gases. Green nuts and parts.
Note: DIC = ductile iron casting SC = steel
casting SF = steel forging AS = alloy steel
Product Details